Bohemian, Moravian, Silesian
The river rises in the Lužické Mountains. Kamenice is passable from April to the end of Mai. The difficulty is marked WW I-III+. The river is recommended for the advanced water sportsmen.
The voyage downstream the river takes 1 day.
The river?s stream is 23 km long.
Česká Kamenice ? the historic city centre, the city memorable area
Soutěsky ? the sandstone formations and canyons
Jetřichovice ? the folk architecture
Hřensko ? the folk architecture
POŘADANÉ AKCE V OBDOBÍ 11.11.2024 AŽ 11.12.2024:
No events found.
Tuesday 12.11. |
25°C |
Wednesday 13.11. |
23°C |
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