
Travelling, Accommodation, Holiday, Free time

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Today it is Pondělí, 14. 10. 2024
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Pension Koudela - Česká Kamenice





Penzion Severka


Státní znak České republiky

Česká republika

Czech Republic

Tschechische Republik



Peat Bog Malá Jizerská Louka (Little Jizera Meadow) (Jablonec n. N. a Jizerské hory)




State nature preserve is the second biggest peat bog in the Jizera Mountains. The peat bog on Little Jizera Meadow traversed by the stream of Jizerka is a nature preserve since 1960. It lies in the valley of the Jizerka, to the northwest of the village of the same name. In the past, it was a rich finding place of gemstones. Today its riches include mainly natural peat-bog communities with the only habitat of hadder in Czech territory. The peat bog is a unique example of peat meadows with pools and small lakes, knee-pines and dwarf spruce trees. The Jizerka, Safírový and Pařezitý rivers flow through this part of the mountains. Nature trail panels and a secure pathway provide visitors with more information on the peat bog.

Tisk zařízení


POŘADANÉ AKCE V OBDOBÍ 14.10.2024 AŽ 14.11.2024:

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Tuesday 15.10.


Wednesday 16.10.



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