
Travelling, Accommodation, Holiday, Free time

Bohemian, Moravian, Silesian

Today it is Pátek, 27. 09. 2024
Name-day Jonáš
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Accommodation and catering

Pension Koudela - Česká Kamenice





Penzion Severka


Státní znak České republiky

Česká republika

Czech Republic

Tschechische Republik



Castle Nový Falkenburk (Lužické hory)


Jablonné v Podještědí


Renaissance chateau Nový Falkenburk was established in 1565 by the family of Berka of Dubá. In 1759 it was rebuilt into a late Baroque edifice with English park but after 1870 the chateau lost its importance and it served as a granary. In 1901 it was restored in the neo-Baroque style and after the war it served as a children?s home. Today it is once again under reconstruction.

Location: Jablonné v Podještědí

Tisk zařízení


POŘADANÉ AKCE V OBDOBÍ 27.09.2024 AŽ 27.10.2024:

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Saturday 28.09.


Sunday 29.09.



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